About Me
How my journey began…
I first came to this work as a client. I received my first series of Structural Integration from my partner, who was a student at the time. It was profound. I had come home to my body in a way I had never known before. It had awakened in me to such a deep awareness, of release and freedom and newfound ease and grace, in my body and beyond. This transformation is what then inspired me to attend that same program the following year.
The program was an amazing and life-changing experience as well. I am forever grateful to my beloved teacher and founder of the school, Lee Joseph, may he rest in peace. I soon realized that my basic training was only the beginning of my learning as a bodyworker. I became so hungry for knowing more about the body and all the many ways to support healing.
I have since studied with multiple teachers in an array of disciplines, such as craniosacral therapy, osteopathic techniques, and visceral manipulation. I have found that these modalities exquisitely compliment the work that I do. And what delights and surprises me most, is that there’s always more to learn :)
Myself, Lee Joseph, and my partner, Brian, on my graduation day 2015. Lee passed away just a few months later.
Sacred Birthing Community Doula Program, Kauai, HI, 2014
Pacific Center of Awareness and Bodywork, Kauai, HI, 2015
Pacific Center for Awareness and Bodywork, Teaching Assistant Program, Kauai, HI, 2016
Milne Institute-Visionary Craniosacral Work, Ashland, OR, 2015-2017
Peirsman Craniosacral Academy, Tijeras, NM, 2017-2018
AISI Certified Structural Integration, UNM Taos, Taos, NM, 2020-2021
Advanced Manual Therapy, Ron Murray, Taos, NM, 2022-Present
Stromatics: Visceral Manipulation, Lauren Rose, Santa Fe, NM 2022-Present
Licensed in HI MAT-14695
Licensed in NM #8700
Certificate in Structural Integration, UNM Taos, 2021