Rolf Method of Structural Integration
What is Rolf Method of Structural Integration?
Rolf Method of Structural Integration is a revolutionary type of bodywork that focuses to the connective tissue, aka fascia, of the body, with the intention of working towards improved postural alignment and more ease in movement, with greater vitality and less pain overall. It is different than your average massage and is more participatory and interactive, weaving together body awareness, movement, and breath. The work is done most effectively in a multiple session series, while great benefit can also come from a stand alone session.
What to Expect
Sessions are generally 90 minutes long, and include an initial health intake interview. The work is most efficiently done with the client dressed in undergarments that are comfortable to move around in. The session begins with an initial body reading, a standing structural assessment that helps to inform me of what postural patterns you are presenting with in gravity.
Session Fees
The cost is $200 per 90 minute session.
Why Rolf Method?
The term “Rolfing” and “Rolfer” are trademarked terms allowed only to those who have graduated from the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute, formerly known as the Rolf Institute. Since Ida’s passing in 1979, there have been several offshoots of the work, most all created by her original students. There is the Guild for Structural Integration, Anatomy Trains, and many more. I have had the honor of completing my IASI certified program at UNM Taos in 2021. It was the first Structural Certification offered at the University level, with teachers from many Rolfing lineages including The Guild, the Rolf Institute, and Anatomy Trains. A delicious Structural marriage! This is why we can call ourselves Rolf Practitioners and use the term Rolf Method of Structural Integration. We have gotten the download of the lineage, just not the trademark.
About Ida Rolf
Ida was a revolutionary of her time, she pioneered this amazing bodywork in a time when it was most needed. To learn more about her and her incredible life visit